Saturday, July 26, 2008

poets, poets everywhere

i swear, it's such a cliche to be a poet out here. everyone is a poet. my boss is a poet. we're going to try to start up a poetry gig at my work, and also have music and open mics. it should be really nice.

the crew i'm working with are all hard working, not the i don't care crew of the previous joint. and i'm glad.

it's so much easier to accomplish everything that need be accomplished when there is a willing crew.

my boss keeps telling me,
have fun.

i say,
yes, right now i'm just trying to remember everything.
(it's not so fun when all of it is radically different than what i'm used to). but it will get better, and i'll be a wild and crazy gal in no time.

met another musician tonight. love them. the long hair gives them away every stinkin' time.

the other night i was talking to this one guy and he said,
yeah, you're the writer.

and i don't remember what we were talking about, i think killing people. (i have strange conversations, what can i say?).

and if i remember correctly, he has long hair and a fabulous tan (which is what started me talking to him). and we were discussing how to kill people because i know a bunch of novelists and they may have occassion to off someone (literarily, not literally, come on, please!)

i can't kill an ailing chipmunk, do you think i could nix a real person?

not likely.

but i guess when you have a discussion about how to off someone, it's kind of memorable. :D

our customers are very kind. we do the best we can. and sometimes, we have fun.

i'm really enjoying the place, and my boss scheduled me two days off after i get back from vacation, and i'm grateful. he says,
i always like to let people recover from their time away.
(he's the bomb, truly).

and monday night, i gave up my time off (i told him i had plans i would miss for this meeting we had to have), and he let me give away some of the hours he'd scheduled me for since we're not having the meeting as he thought we were that night.

so i make it to my poetry gig, and i get to sit around and talk poetry with poets i adore. this makes me happy, so very happy.

and i don't get happy about much.

i was really going to be frustrated if he had said no. but he didn't.

i think i'm gonna like it here. (five points if you know what musical that line is from).

and the horses today, bucky and prince, velvet and bandit, barnaby and bitty, were all delightful. we had only to bring them in and feed them, so we walked them slowly through the pasture (i didn't get to bring bucky in--but we did get to visit him). and they nibbled their way to the barn.

such a wonderful experience. dawdling with my girl and horses.

bandit let me pick his hooves. he's such a baby, he doesn't like grooming. but he's getting used to me, i think, because he let me do this for him.

my girl did the other three horses.

and everyone was happy when we left, mostly us i think.

this work is the kind of work that feels more like privilege than work. we're grateful for the trust nicole gives us to have such free reign with her horses. and then, we sneak over to see bucky and prince in the inbetween times.

i'm just grateful. not much in life has changed, but i'm grateful.

today at my friend's house, when i was dropping off my girl, her husband stolled up and his wife said,
she doesn't want to move back to texas.

and he said,
neither does she.

and i said,
my husband does.

and his wife said,
we should talk.

and so i looked him in the eye and said,
i'm not clean.

(because he's a neatfreak), and he looked stunned.

it was hilarious. this rapidfire succession took place so quickly, i don't think he even realized what was happening.

it's good to meet people we get along with. my hubby will meet my friend's hubby when he retrieves our girl from her time away.

how silent the house is without her here.

but it's good for her, she's found a friend.

she went off with her friend as soon as we arrived, usually she lingers by the door and says goodbye while i leave. but not this time. she was too busy being with her little friend to even realize i was leaving.

and that too, makes me happy.

i want my people to be happy more than anything else. and when they are happy, that does my soul good.

i'm tired, it's late. i must to bed.

peace. out.

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