Friday, July 31, 2015


the sluggish start to the morning gave way to a chai laced cup of cafe bustelo. something spicey to get going.

and so i picked up a porcelain dish and walked out to my garden. the marigolds, all from last year's seeds, have faithfully provided fodder for the coming year.

deadheading is one of the most enjoyable parts of gardening, it is reaping abundance. harvesting future marigolds. and so i carried this dish around to the trellis where my morning glories have all faded at the same time. from a riot of blooms to a collusion of seed pods, many ready to be harvested.  life, it seems, has left these vines this season, but they were all the fruit of last season's vines. and so, i have them now, gathered up, porcelain dish held at the base of the pods whose seeds burst forth at the slightest pressure. each flower offering up four seeds.

the chives went to seed and so i've gathered them as well. the poppy seed pods. the assorted wildflowers whose seeds i have never collected before and whose names i do not know, the little blue job and the delicate diminutive daisy. the seeds are almost imperceptible the tiniest grains of pepper they appear to be. but i have gathered them and laid them all out to dry.

the oriental lilies are astounding. they got a late start, as i was reluctant to plant them too early, but they are exploding in a riot of color now. the roses too. wasn't sure those would make it, but their salmon pink flower petals are everywhere to be seen. brightening up the patio.

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