Thursday, September 23, 2004


today while watching the big story with john gibson, congressman meeks from ny was being interviewed about kerry's stance on iraq.

while john gibson tried to interject a question, meeks kept overtalking.

"congressman, what is the ..."
"john, john, john, john"

meeks sounded like a damn parrot.

john, john, john.

i've noticed this tactic with a lot of talk show/news show guests. perhaps they think it makes them look intelligent or something, i can't figure any other reason for this obnoxious behaviour.

i am sitting there screaming at the tv, SHUT UP! and eventually just change the channel. it is impossible to hear one guest overtalking the other, so all the overtalker does is make it impossible for anyone to get any point across. those people should automatically get their mics turned off.

i am particularly fond of bill o'reilly who can handle difficult guests, shut down assertions/spin, and basically deliver a well balanced logical view of things that are going on, not just politics either. his show has helped nab some real losers.

incase you don't catch the show regularly, he just interviewed president bush this past week and will be airing the interview in segments m,t,w of next week. check it out, it promises to be worthwhile.

that's all for now. i'm trying not to be annoyed with all the bickering between politicians, and wish these guys would stop attacking each other and just say what they want to say to tell us who they are. the dems, even one i love, are so vicious. so angry. their arguments veer so far from reason it is truly frightening. there are so many educated, political activists in the democratic party (granted in the repub party there are nutjobs too), but i wish people were truly free to have their own opinions without having to come to fisticuffs over it.

i would really like to have a discussion of the candidates and topics in a logical, reasonable way, and if i am unswayed or my friend who is not in agreement with me is unswayed by my arguments, then we move on to the next topic. but that simply is not how it is. and it makes me very sad.

God bless america. we need it.

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