Sunday, September 25, 2005


well i've just printed out my first proof of my poetry collection titled, mere consolations.

taking this to share with other poets of the calibur i will be with this weekend is a bit daunting. i'm not easily intimidated, usually i'm resilient. but this is too near and dear to me not to go with my head slightly bowed.

i find that when it comes to these words, these pages of my heart in print, that i am, like every artist--sensitive about it. i am trying to brace myself for criticism which i will receive, but at the same time remember i am speaking in my true voice and that is not something to be edited out or embarrassed of.

well, that is all for now. i've much brewing my brain in terms of contemplation but i can't put it into words just yet. it is still grey and misty. and i remain uncertain exactly what i am to say about any of it. and when.

until then.


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