Wednesday, April 11, 2012


so my girl brings home, arguably, the worst report card of her distinguished career. momma not happy. i promise you, she ain't happy now. i had thrown down the gauntlet some time ago, her last bad report card which was lifetimes better than this one. i told her,
if you get anything below a b, i will take your phone, too
(as i had already taken her computer, sending the child into withdrawals)

i am nothing if not true to my word. i am also a single mom. i cannot afford, in time or grey hair, having to deal with repeated misbehavior. my punishments have to be effective the first time around. i understand it was not effective last time, but this time, the child lost everything. phone, computer, gaming systems. all of it. her eyes were all puffy as she tried to tell me how it was the teacher's fault.


what do i do all day,
i asked.

she says.

i don't accept excuses from my students, and i'm sure as hell not going to accept them from my child. so i walked in, bad reportcard in hand, and demanded the battery to her phone, her power cords, and the handheld gaming things she uses. she seemed lost last night, just hours into the punishment.

fortunately, i found out there is a way to turn off all calls/texts for her phone so she can have her phone but can only talk to/text her dad and me plus other important adults. she will LOVE that.

the child must think i was born yesterday, because she tried so many numbers on me, but as i've said. i don't suffer excuses. if she would take responsibility and show maturity for blowing it, that is another story. i would look favorably upon that. but this shucking responsibility is unbecoming. completely unacceptable.

so my child has the rest of her spring break to enjoy, disconnected from the matrix. she will have to read, or, god forbid, go outside and play. i am unsympathetic and she has no valid excuse. i'm glad i can leave her phone with her now though, at least she will have it so i can check in on her.


Geen Grey said...

Oh love. Good for you. A suck place to be (for you) but I'm sure you'll make your point.

siouxsiepoet said...

hey gee, thanks. i just keep moving forward and trying to help her understand she's making bad choices. so, so hard to do with teenagers. i appreciate your kind words love. :*