Thursday, June 10, 2004


in brennan manning's book, which i mentioned the other day, the signature of jesus, he says, "the words celebrity and christian do not belong in the same sentence." he also laments the fact that we must earn money and therefore write books and sell them. he is caught in the cycle as much as anyone else.

can we escape the cycle?

i am uncertain.

i had this thought today as i was driving, we approach art as if we were creating THE final piece of art. the period at the end of the sentence. this is a problem. perhaps this is THE problem.

it came to me today that we are not creating the destination, but rather a crumb on the bread trail of life. not an answer, not a solution, but a clue, something to lead a reader, a sojourner onto the next inevitable bread crumb. our work is essential to someone's path, but it is not THE destination for anyone.

perhaps we wouldn't get lost in our purpose and mission (hear "sell out") if we could see our work as a dabble of paint in God's pointillistic perspective, hmm. an interesting thought and hopeful.

i had wondered why hope had abandoned me, and perhaps i abandoned it when i could not be THE destination or create THE piece of art that would define anything in particular.

i don't want be a celebrity. i just want to provide my small crumbs of wisdom for some hungry soul along the way...

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