Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the absence of peace

i've always counseled friends and loved ones,
go for peace. you can't manufacture peace.
while these words are true, they are also heavy in the absence of peace. burdensome.

just in from tai chi where i felt off center. couldn't shut down my mind and be there. though my body went through the motions well enough. there is just so much on my mind and being home brings it all back.

suffocatingly so.

all i could think of was persephone, how long did it take for her to crave the smell of sulphur instead of fresh aire? the sound of screams and the sight of death become commonplace rather than grotesque? horrifying. when does the horror subside to something akin to normal? and how does one go about accepting these terms of living. tricked as she was by the fates. by fate. having indulged herself only of a few pomegranate seeds.

but for her bereaved mother, she would be lost to the world, to those she loved.

my sister held me as i was leaving and cried.
i miss you so much,
she wept.

i don't get that often. being held by one who will not let me go.

i don't get that often, simply being held.

and i'm tired of it.

home again the acrid smell burns and the darkness threatens to become commonplace again.

and i can only breathe it in and try not to acclimate.


Miss Audrey said...

Lava when rushing down from the volcano is hot and glowing with its fierceness and its power. But once it is out of the action it is cold and dark and dry. Ashes. You can only survive in the fire. You are too volatile to be crushed into dust. Fan the flames of your passions. Pursue peace and it will find you.

Unknown said...

Hi Suz,

Good poem in Relief Journal. Congratulations on getting it published.

Here's wishing and praying for you that you might receive the peace you long for....Godliness with contentment is great gain....and I pray that this sense of Jesus will gather you up in Everlasting arms, letting you know that He will never let you go.

And here's a long, earthly virtual hug from me, too.

Love in Christ,


Anonymous said...

The insipid mouth of the lion is opened by a fearless man to stare down into the darkened gullet of the beast to find nothing but bad lighting, when he (the man) raises up, there is only the remembrance of bad breath, be Strong! as i know you are and breath-in fresh in the presence of the LIGHT.