Thursday, September 17, 2009

little lady

i may be short but i'll kick your ass,
was my mantra today. i was on the rampage, shall we say.

i could take someone's head off today,
i told a friend.

and there was only one guy who i wanted to part head from shoulders. the same guy who was towering over me and i was looking up at him not backing down. tallness doesn't intimidate me. neither does sex.

if you can't tow the line, get the hell out of the way.

i've got to be more gentile some would say, but i don't really know how. will it bite me in the ass? perhaps. i've been pushed too much and i'm just flat out tired of it.

pushing back. sword circling overhead.

no one likes a strong woman. that's the bottom line. no one likes a bitch. but, somedays, being a bitch is all a girl can depend on.

today was one of those days.

whatever. it is what it is.

i put on a pair of snug jeans (something wonderful about tight jeans. that's why i won't give them up). and i feel refreshed.

still tired, but at least cinched in. (which is a curious thing to admit). i guess it feels like being held, maybe that's why i like them.

when a woman sheds her power, beware. the fall out is great. tribal men know this. they stay away and women stay away from them.

it would serve men well to reckon the times a woman sheds her power.

be wary. zits are a sign, at least for me. i have more trouble with that than when i was a teen. go figure.

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