Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the big news

when one has more to do than one can handle, what is the smartest thing she can do? sign up for more to do? absolutely.

while i'm just starting my semester, lots of good things happened at my residency. among them, i've been offered and am accepting a position coordinating a literacy program for a few months. this is huge. it feels like a doorway into my field. i must do this. the issue is, they are going to have to squeeze into my very tight schedule. and i can't apologize for that. it simply is.

i must make the most of my time and get the reading out of the way asap. writing comes after that, and the poems, well, they are on their own schedule. though, this semester i am revising works, so i can just regurgitate works from my book, which may be the path i go. i simply cannot do all, and since the focus is revision, let's revise.

i gave a reading during the week of my residency, only three minutes, like everyone else. but they were three rockin' minutes. i realized as and after i read that i could revise what i was performing. and so i shall. i have enough distance now, that i can do this.

again, so much to do. must be about it.

peace. out.

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