Tuesday, July 06, 2004


if my enemies came to me as the nazgul, cloaked in black, spewing insects and riding black horses, how clear cut life would be.

if my enemies came to me bedecked as the uruk-hai, foul smelling, hideous to behold, i'd gladly lop their heads off.

but no.

my enemies come cloaked in religion. bibles at fifty paces. friendly fire. the wounds of a friend, these enemies call it, and i am convinced, for a while.

my enemies come to me with laughter and poke fun at the tender places in my heart. when i recoil, they say, it's all in good fun. and i am convinced, for a while.

what is this battle we are in, where enemies are our friends and allies? what is this life we live where we must discern the enemies from amongst us?

we battle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and powers of the heavenly places. so this brother slamming me, is not my enemy? i am not convinced at all, he is the one standing here wounding me. and it hurts. it simply hurts.

whether i am convinced or no, i must learn to gauge my enemy by the Gospel of Truth. rightly dividing the Word. weilding my sword with ease and grace.

if my enemies would come to me as sauron, firey-eyed, fierce and evil, there would be no difficulty, no inconsistency, no grey where i am not convinced of who they are.

if my enemies would come to me as sauruman, traitor to the cause, leaver of the way, lover of power, i might recognize them when they stood beside me. but alas, i do not.

what a mighty battle we fight. what an awesome challenge to discern the followers of the Way of Truth.

i myself have even betrayed my brother, and it did not feel good. would i never willingly fell my ally again. would i never allow my members to be weilded by unrighteousness.

i long for the day when enemies will stand revealed and battle lines will be clearly drawn. i long for that day as a starving man longs for a morsel of bread. but until that day, i wait. i hope. i pray...for discernment.

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