Saturday, June 10, 2006


no, not payable.on.death (though they are wonderful), but poetry.on.demand. a dear friend's mother requested a poem yesterday.

if i hadn't been to that poetry intensive, i might have grappled with it and labored over it, and had lackluster results. but no, i just wrote one. i pray it blesses her.

it's tough living in a new place because everyone assumes you know what they are talking about and questions of clarification are sometimes met with,
who are you?

such was the case for a hike i was contemplating attending this morning. the call went out,
we're hiking to the top of timp.
okay, where's timp? it is in the state park that we live near, but where? it is a huge place. so i asked.
where is it?

north of camp.
since i got lost on the way to camp (are you really surprised?), i am not sure that description is adequate. it was a lovely place to get lost, granted, we saw deer, and such dense foliage, it was stunning. i love it here. but i don't love all the lostness i've encountered. i've been lost more times here than i care to admit. at least on foot, i can't get that lost. only walking distance lost, what's that a few blocks, maybe? but driving, errors add up and quickly. and these winding roads just don't seem to ever end, and who knows which direction i'm headed.

i've realized one needs an overview map in their heads. when i had to go to nj the other day, i knew i was going east from where i was, there are so many signs, so damn much reading while i'm driving, it is sometimes hard.

the other lame thing about the signage out here is if you are not coming in precisely the right direction, you can't see the sign (unless you're like me, get lost and pass it, then come the way you can see the sign). just one more sign facing the opposite direction would save travellers much headache the preacher said.

the miles seem different here. in the country they seem long because there is nothing there. here they seem long because i'm passing so many things which look almost right. but for yahoo maps (which, btw, if you print out the map, be sure to check the L and R actually print. a small detail which is essential. i didn't check my maps until i was driving and my poor girl had to figure out which way to turn). it was a crap shoot. i got a glimpse of the map once, and instead of reading it and following the steps, 7 to 8, she just read it from the standard reading position.

turn left mom,

she said.

that's not left,
i cut across about five lanes of traffic to get right and it was a miracle i got there.

after circling that particular town several towns, i was given directions other than i had (problem is, i wasn't watching the miles and hadn't gone far enough).

i hate driving to my husband's work. plain and simple.

so this lady says,
who are you? are you with our group?

i said,
yes, i just moved here and don't know where anything is. ask *, she knows i'm legit.

sometimes being unknown is a blessing, and sometimes it is just a pain.

but i've got a whole day to spend between the pages of my current book. one which has a lot of new age crapola in it, but is otherwise a fine read. more metaphor kids. i love it.

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