Thursday, November 23, 2006

bellowing dragons and long haired maids

it is a crisp, cool grey morning in new york. everything slick with rain. branches swaying in the slight breeze. all still and silent, which is something. just a few cars, a few souls on foot or bike. bundled tight against the cold.

in the distance the sound of a motorcycle revving up, likely enjoying the clear streets. less of a target today than other days.

it occurred to me, rather than being merely annoyed at the blaring siren outside my window. rather than just getting through, enduring the sound until it stops. (i've nearly grown accustomed to that wretched sound, that horrified us when we arrived. it is to me now the bellowing of some great fierce dragon. perched atop the castle walls. and i prisoner in this tower, must continue to wait and hope. my hair is still growing. soon enough, it will be time, to weave my rope and let my saviour up. soon enough.) i have realized that while this annoyance is abominable, and it is abominable. it is a rally cry for some ill turn of events. someone somewhere is in need of assistance. how much better i use the bellow as a trumpet of zion. a call to prayer. to battle. to war. how much better for the soul in need at that moment and those rushing to aid. annoyances can be more than they present themselves. they can be welcome guests and friends when we make peace with them. so i shall try.

the birds hunker down in weather like this. i don't see many of them about. i wish sometimes i had God's eye, and could see where each rests. where each goes for shelter. where each rides out the storm. these are the things i would look for if i had the eyes of God.

i have just noticed it is drizzling rain. the church bells are sounding now. a great raucous company, heralding joy. clamboring into the homes of those who are sealed in. a call to worship. devotion. sometimes these bells play songs. i was sitting on a bench watching the birds outside my small chapel on fourth of july. the church steeple rang a chorus of star spangled banner. i laughed.
it figures.
i said. i'm no patriot. yet, here i sit in the church yard, audience to this testament of strength. i've never really understood the greatness of america. seems we've bullied our way into power. preyed upon a great many trusting souls. even those who serve us so selflessly now, are devoured by opposition to the administration, opposition to the war, opposition to liberation. i don't pretend to understand any of it. my sister and half-brother are over there right now serving, fighting for their lives and our freedoms. regardless of what the war is about, that is what it is really about. remaining a superpower. The Superpower. whatever that means. however many lives it costs. i don't understand any of it.

but they deserve a debt of gratitude and our many prayers for their safe return. and those suffering the loss of their presence this day, our support. our courage. our faith in their loved one's imminent return. i had not meant to wander down this road today, but here i am. here we are.


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