Saturday, November 11, 2006

carcharodon carcharias

most of technology is a pain, i think. sure we have more time, but more time for what? to be isolated in our own painfilled worlds. no thanks. i think sometimes, communal clothes washing at the river's edge to be a dream. so much community in those times. where is it now? i can shuttle my girl and myself back and forth through our week, even attending church unscathed by the prying eyes of community.

i understand the hester prynnes of the world will be strung up, i, likely among them. but what i would give for some true community. not just a forced banding together, though i often think that is what it will take in this day and age to get people to come together, real tragedy. but a union of souls. a joining of hearts as well as hands. the idealist in me dies hard. i guess that is a good thing.

so i kept telling my beloved,
i want to see the shark movie.

the first essay i wrote in high school, the first anything i did in high school, seriously, was write a paper for my senior english class called carcharodon carcharias, the thesis: the great white shark does not intentionally attack man. i got an A on that paper. i loved writing it. i loved researching it. it was the paper that told me i was a writer. though i would wander several years before looking back to that tell tale paper.

i tried real estate in college, the money making scheme and dropped out.

when i went into the work place and found it tedium beyond compare, i finally went back to school. the app asked, what major?

looking back through the years to the one thing i did well and actually enjoyed. writing that term paper. the A in red ink over the title. i loved that paper.

i knew writing was a language i could excel at even if i had to work at it.

another dream i had was to be an oceanographer, and growing up in los angeles, then torrance (the south bay), it was a realistic occupation. but i hated school and never had anyone really say, what do you want to do and push me that way. so english was it for me.

i remember cradling a shark book i had purchased, and selling it at a garage sale we had to raise money for a friend whose brother had died unexpectedly. i sold that book but i'm certain it will be on my bookshelf in heaven. it is so vividly etched in my mind, every page with a glorious picture of a shark on it.

this movie was that for me today. an experience unlike i shall likely ever have in my real life. i won't go deep sea diving and see them in their natural element. so to sit there in the theatre and have those ancient beauties swim by was just a dream come true for me.

the whale shark, 3,000 pounds of wonder. polka dotted for good measure.

gotta run, my kid is hungry.


Anonymous said...

how so very close we walk beside dreams, we amble through them, we rush before them, we pause in wait of them, but ever edging them. Some to be cursed, others to be cherished. Most to never know their attributes, and we dream still. In that respect we all who dream are bonded by dreaming of the illusive dream.So dream on in caution of obtaining. But dream still for in not doing, we are stagnant within ourselves.

siouxsiepoet said...
