Thursday, November 16, 2006

formed formlessness

what do you want?

to do something new

they won't understand

i know, but i can still try.

they are used to the customs, traditions. the formality of a thing makes it identifiable.

are you saying what i'd doing is formless?

no, it has a form.

are you saying i'm breaking away from the known, then?

perhaps that's it, yes.

the form i'm after is the form of water. the form of that which flows down, unobstructed, carving great caverns and halls through stone. the form i'm after is brief as a mist but essential. the form i'm after is always in motion, taking on the shape of what it encounters, becoming, cleansing, seeking.

being all things to all men?

yes, that is it exactly.

but you're not being true to anyone if you take the shape of what you encounter.

water is true to water. it's form and body though they may change, though they may become a part of you and me, remain water.

you are not water.

no, but neither am i stone.

and how will you know then, your true shape if you are always changing? becoming? seeking?

i will know, as water knows. that no matter where it goes. how it changes, it is essential to being. it is. it merely is.

they won't understand.

no, likely not.


Anonymous said...

it has been said that shadows abide in darkened places, but if a shadow can only be born by light either man made or by heavens grace, then where is the darkness but in the mind of the beholder. If water is by creation, falling life from darkened clouds, and the sun is hid from earth, does not the rain still give life. If form by reason of misunderstood, takes reasoning by understanding, is it still not light. What beauty there is in the beholding of mountains and valleys, rivers and streams, but they have not always been, they to were created in all their glory by forming through suffering and misunderstanding. to give and to take by the gift of time creating new forms to be adored.

MD Brauer, MD said...

indeed constant change always looking for new forms, new ways to speak, new words, new patterns, new rhythms

Miss Audrey said...


tears. yes. Sometimes tears.

siouxsiepoet said...


the great gift: to be understood

the great trial: to be understood

the great mystery: to be understood

it takes a poetic soul to understand i think. thank you all.