Wednesday, June 06, 2007

time alone.

seems i'll have some time alone soon. hubby off to a faraway place, for a maybe relocation. who knows. who really knows.

the whiskey sour is kicking in and i'm feeling honest. so i thought i'd poke my head out of my hole and blather on. that is what i do, is it not?

if anyone has any suggestions for drinking captain morgan's tattoo (i.e. what to mix it with), pass them along, i would be most grateful. i've tried a few things, but nothings hit that chord yet. i'm still searching.

i'm healthy, i'm unhealthy. working out like a person who actually cares about their health and drinking something every night, with very few exceptions.

helps take the edge off. i'm all edge right now.

went to the hudson today, played with the geese, if you can play with geese. at least i can play with geese and enjoy myself. they seem to tolerate me.

my bunny is getting fatter with each passing day, and soon, i think he'll try to escape to the wilds for good. i need to prevent that by loving him when we have him. lots of cabbage leaves and carrots. to keep him sated.

that i could be plied so easily. but touch his furry feets and he goes bonkers.

bunny gets me outdoors every am to do tai chi. i couldn't do it before when it was just me doing it for myself (how telling is that?), but now with bunny, he has to go out for his morning constitutional, and i stay out and do tai chi and journal, my morning pages. even when i'm busy. i've only missed it once since we've had bunny. and we've had him for a while now.

gotta go help the hubster pack. he's taking my computer, so if i'm silent for a few days, that's why. i probably won't be missed, but i like to think i might be. some will be grateful for the silence, i'm sure.


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