Wednesday, August 05, 2009


would you consider.

he says.

and i wonder.

a lot of things are up in the air right now. where my girl will be. where i will be. what tomorrow holds (but that is always up in the air). for now, i am just grateful, reveling in the sweetness of reunion. to be found. cherished. remembered.

i thought, for so long, that i was the only one who remembered the way i remember. but he spent an hour tonight reminding me of who i am. where i came from. my roots.

they've been buried so long. and all i knew back then was pain.

you always looked like you had so much to say, but wouldn't let yourself. or couldn't find the words.

so when i signed his book i wrote,
thank you for remembering the girl who could not find her words until now.

i have them now. utterance.

but even so, i cry. cry with delight. cry with awe. cry with wonder.

it's a good cry. the best cry i've had in years. and the schemes i can cook up. i hope i can get off work to make it happen. i have to get off work. have to.

something about a road trip, and the mascarade ball where i'll be a belly dancer and actually have to choreograph something for the guest of honor.

you will dance for me?

yes. of course.

the way it looks from here, i'll fly out to my old haunt, and meet up with a long lost friend. we'll do the ball, then either drive back to la, or fly out from there. likely we'll do a return trip. kids. you understand.

but it will be wonderful. my feet on the dashboard, the tunes cranked. all that time to catch up.

i don't know. i don't know how it will be. what tomorrow holds. but then, i've never known. all i can say right now is reunion is sweet. and i'm loving every minute of it.

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