Thursday, July 20, 2006

devouring elephants

i've been thinking a lot about what my next step is. i'm not sure. things happened so quickly when i arrived here in ny, that now it seems i've hit a lull. i need a diversion. to get myself moving forward again.

so i'm registering for the dodge poetry festival, which is only the woodstock of poetry. i hope robert bly shows up. i'd beg steal and borrow to go hear him.

i'm also trying to line up my duckies so i can get to denver this september. the ad lib christian arts retreat was so immensely valuable to my life as an artist, i can't recommend it enough. not only did i have my life infiltrated by God. my borders overrun and a whole slew of stuff happen, i met at least one life long friend. who has been more of a blessing to me than perhaps many people i've met in a long while.

the deal with ad lib is, the artists were so immensely and vastly gifted that it was said when we were introducing ourselves,
okay, just pick your top three areas of artistic gifting.
i met a worship dancer this way and we were able to dance at the end of the weekend.

i have been asked to dance if i go there again. the tricky part of it is, i don't dance for performance. so last year, it was sunday morning and while other performers were applauded when they were done. the group was instructed to hold their applause and walk to the chapel in silence.

it was awesome. perfect. beautiful. i couldn't have asked for more. i don't want applause. i don't want people to watch me. i want to fade gently away and meet at the chapel where we can join hearts and hands in communion.

yes, that is it.

i'm a bit off today. but finding my footing.

a dear friend told me he took my unpublished manuscript to a prison with him and someone got saved. so God is getting the glory after all. my friend said,
if it doesn't get published down here, it's all ready published in heaven.


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