Saturday, July 01, 2006


i'm one of those curious breeds (perhaps it is a female thing, i don't know), who hates to get email. but then when i don't get any, i hate to not get it. what's the deal with that. it is as if all my dreams and wishes are fulfilled, then i don't like how it feels. strange.

i get irked with email forwards. who doesn't? i've simply not got time for them. rare are the emails i'll actually read, let alone open that have the word fwd in the subject line. if you delete it from the subject line and sneak it in on me, you'll get to do this twice before i ban you from my email all together.

then, there are lists, which are both a blessing and a curse. when i have time, they are an excellent diversion. but damn, how many homeschooling issues can i read and actually care about in this lifetime? i think i might be irritatingly focused on poetry, but some folks are irritatingly focused on homeschooling, or church, or whatever their breed of tunnel vision. i have it too, i just need to shake things up a bit. get around different crowds of people so i can contemplate other things.

so when i go digest on some of these lists, i end up with three and four piled up of people being generally helpful but specifically annoying with their hellos to others on the list, or myriad details, none of which i care to read.

i've gone no mail on all my nonpoetry lists because they annoy me. like i said, how many homeschool items do i have to fill my mind with to satisfy? answer: less than i've got in my email box, that's for damn sure.

and sure, i'll likely miss some great events, but i can't deal with it right now. i can't plan our next excursion at this moment of my life, so i'd rather not have to innundate my brain with endless details of which i have no immediate use.

so, i delete my entire email box every day. i do this for many reasons, mostly because if i get a mean email, i'm like a junkie and keep going back and reading it. this used to happen all the time with my dad. we'd fight (email fights are notorious for being overblown nothing), and i'd fume and steam over some dumb email.

i just started deleting all traces of crap from my email, problem solved. my memory for these things is short if i don't have a place to rewound myself ad nauseum. so every day without fail, gone. all of it.

it is quite a liberating thing. my sister struggles with this, she has hundreds of emails she feels compelled to go through and read, daily, mind you. not me. i delete liberally. if i have thirty, i get overwhelmed. so i delete. check all, delete are two good options. they are your friends!

anyway, this morning, my empty box was full of kindness. i knew the ten emails were words of encouragment and support much needed. so it was a joy to open them, and i wept as i read them (i'm such a girl). i'm ready for this weekend of crunching, and it will not be the death of me. i can do this.

to God be the glory.


Miss Audrey said...


You can do this! I'm excited and happy for you.

I had a girlfriend who took over my email box with forwards one time. Solution: I quit looking at all. Months later she emailed my dad and asked if I was okay. He told her that my computer is broken and she took me off of her list.

On the other hand, I have a cousin that I will read everything that she sends me, forwards and all. She's my bud and I know that she's sharing something that I won't mind taking my time to read. (She rarely sends a forward, as is my practice also.)

siouxsiepoet said...

thank you audrey. i am buoyed by your belief in me.

and i'm so glad you don't forward stuff. so glad.
