Tuesday, August 28, 2007

schedule is as schedule does

so we're in residency this week. each day considering a different aspect of our studies. quite an effective means of getting busy people to focus and accomplish. i'm impressed with the system. albeit a bit lost at times, but i just jump through the next hoop and all ends well.

today we had to look at our schedules.

i thought i had mine figured out, but it turns out, she's a beast and won't roll over easily.

work is taking a toll. i close some five days a week and we have a skeleton crew right now. we need more people. all the college girls went back to work and it's just an awful lot of time to work. but i'm grateful.

our a/c went out and got fixed again in the space of three days, which is the quickest turn around yet.

my major emphasis at school had changed from jung to native spirituality. i never saw that one coming. but i'm excited.

i have a mountain of dishes just calling out to me, wanting me to go caress them and wash them, and love them. so i shall.

this is how i live my life, moving from the next thing to the next thing. it works though it isn't very restful these days. the holidays are coming and i don't even know what that will look like in retail (YIKES!).

i try not to think about it. just focus on what i can now.


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