Saturday, March 07, 2009


the thing about it is, when someone finds their way into my heart, however temporary that stay may be, there is always, always, always a place for them. and i must resign myself to this again, it is the way i'm wired. i do not give up on people. i let them go, but i let them stay if they so choose.

call it a personality flaw, if you will.

it's a beautiful springeque day, and i'm going to the movies to night with my movie buddy. i need to stick with chicks, i've decided. i'm in a particularly vulnerable place in life and, well, i need to muddle through, and so i will.

i'm off to go sit by the hudson and write. i feel like this week that kicked my ass needs to congeal into a poem somehow, or wants to, rather. i need to sit on a giant rock and welcome it if it chooses to come now.

if not, the rock will be grateful, i will be grateful, and the hudson will be grateful. all ends well.

who knows what will come.

that which is mine, i believe this, still.

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