Tuesday, August 22, 2006

walk this way

so we're trying to get up early and go for walks as a family. it's going to get harder as time goes by because it requires me to be up before six. i go through times when i spring out of bed like a sunflower and await the fiery orb. and other times, i have to be forced awake. but those times, are no fun for those who have to wake me.

so we walked (or i trudged) around town this morning and looked at the houses and lots, the gardens of flowers. determining who had a hand for gardening and who just doesn't care.

we've never really been gardeners. but before i left texas i had begun dabbling in it. taught it as a class. that seems to be the only way i really learn stuff. i digest the material and get interested by having to learn enough to teach.

it has been hotter than texas here for us because we have one little bitty window a/c and no ability to get cool if we move too far from it into the apartment. cooking is simply a chore. the kitchen is down a small hall and around a corner so no a/c circulates there. i've had more reason to avoid cooking than usual here. or i'm so hot when i come out of there i want to kill someone. my husband is usually the poor guy in my path on those occassions.

but at 6am, it's cool and crisp. this morning was a mite chilly.

yesterday when we returned, i had all kinds of fuel in my jets. my girl and i sat under the wisteria on the back porch and read books. watched the squirrels and blue jays play. she shelled pecans while i read to her from the artist's way.

be present. the book said, in so many words.

that is the story of my life. trying to force myself to attend to the moment and not waft away in fantasy. i've lived apart from my life too much. i'm trying to change that.

the walks are nice because they get us out, we have a bit to chat, and more energy (though not today, i sacked out when we returned). very active dream time. though i can't remember a scrap of it. shame too, i want to start learning my dream language and interpreting my dreams. not today i guess.

nothing else to say. hopefully, you are well.

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