Friday, March 03, 2006


perhaps it's the noise that gets me most when i go to town. yesterday i sat at the intersection of two freeways, at a place which was much like an arcade. inside there was no silence, it was full of technoblather. and i had to go outside to get away from the noise. but the sound of cars speeding past was constantly buzzing in my ears.

i came home, fighting a migraine, which seems to happen when i spend a day in town.

now, i am not sure what kind of silence i need. because i played metallica all the way to the place where my daughter began her birthday celebration. it didn't bother me. but the noise of hustle and bustle, that gets me.

my appearances out of doors are becoming more rare, and soon, they'll start trying to predict the weather. did she see her shadow? six more weeks of winter.

i've got to go out today, i've tried everything i could to get out of it, but since it is the actual birthday of my girl, i can't swing opting out. so i'm in. my head still aches from yesterday. but today we go to the fair grounds, there isn't a fair going on right now, so it is quiet and pretty peaceful.

have a blessed day.

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