Sunday, March 26, 2006


right now a great many miracles have to happen for me get through this move. i have to somehow get vast reserves of energy. my daughter has to be cared for. she has no toys out essentially (poor planning on my part).

the purge goes well, but i'm very tired.

there are a great many things i could tie myself up in knots about right now, but i am opting to trust. Trust God that it will be all right. i keep saying, as if to convince myself, it is going to be all right. it is going to be all right.

even if nothing goes as planned. even if we don't know where to live when we get there. even if we have to trust God wholeheartedly to get us through this. it is going to be all right. it is going to be all right.

it has to be. everything has worked out in the past. just a few more challenges this time, but God is able. i have learned that through my many years, i have seen so many miracles of working out details. it is going to be all right.

if you talk to me, remember to join in this refrain,
it is going to be all right.

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