Friday, February 29, 2008

dread pirate roberts

my mgr just told me she wants to transfer, when someone is ready to take over, she'll away. yikes.

better to bear known trials than fly off to trials we know not of. (i'm all over the place this morning).

got a rejection letter from a poetry anthology i submitted an entry to (for, whatever). and it didn't lay me out. it didn't hardly take the bounce out of my step. i was bummed, but then, got over it.

i don't really understand it.

a strange synchronicity happened last night, having just written how horsemanship is "so not jazz," a book i'm reading used jazz as an example of a modern "evolved" type of horsemanship. and it blew me away.

made me laugh inside. sometimes, i want to change course, but i'm really on to something. it looks like i'm wandering lost, but i'm actually finding the untrod path i'm supposed to follow.

so much i'm learning right now. even reading a poetry book i am enjoying. huzzah.


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