Saturday, January 19, 2008

in a pinch

so, say what you will about my comandeering ways, i am a good person to have in your corner in a pinch.

got called in to work early yesterday, which is good. hours cut school costs the same. so the young mgr. kept saying,
i'll come in and help.

i was trying to reassure her i could handle it.

but she would not be dissuaded, and in the end i thought it better not to try as she might think i'm trying to take over again.

it's a touchy thing, not trying to step on the toes of a boss, but yet offer to be of assistance. very tricky indeed.

but she's been working long hours, LOOOOONG hours, so i figured, if i could save her a trip in, i would.

but no, she turned up.

i had done everything. just a few things remained which couldn't be done until after closing or just before.

i like running the show. now if they would just give me a commensurate title, that would help. i'm sure some kids are wondering what the deal is, and either way, no matter to me, i'm horribly dependable, but it would be easier, and granted, it's hard to get it any easier when there are only two people closing.

but i did a bang up job last night, and i'm up early because i go in at 8am. i always like to post early when i'm up because it proves i do get out of bed early sometimes. though i try not to make it a habit.

sleep is still an issue, though, and i remembered a couple administrative points i forgot last night, a few blanks i left incomplete, which i need to fix this morning. i should probably eat rather than sitting here blathering on,

so i must away. have a great day.

i wish my wishes would come true, i am tired of waiting.

what else is new.


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