Thursday, May 01, 2008


today i have to summon all the strength of words i know, to combat one weak little word that imbedded itself under my tender psyche like a burr.

today i have to be reminded of all the goodness i once knew, conjure all the crusts and crumbs that remain in the corners, because sometimes it feels all i have.

today i have to bury my head and try to forget yesterday and not think about tomorrow. because i'm still lost at sea and the shore is no where to be seen. and my courage wanes.

my courage wanes.

today my strong facade has broken and fallen, crumbled at my feet and i cannot even feign strength for her who sits at my feet in radiance.

my courage wanes.

1 comment:

Eliza Shane said...

Hey babe... I am all out of sandy beaches, but anchors.. I've got those... if you wanna hold on :-).

love you!