Tuesday, April 15, 2008

fire my burners

so i get the okay from a dear friend to compile her works. i stay up till midnight tweaking and i'm pleased with the product, i've ordered a proof (gotta love lulu) but in just the time since i went to bed, i know there are issues i need to fix.

when do i have the time for this?

i don't. plain and simple.

but i must make the time. we make time for what matters, i've come to understand that.

and when i was doing it, it all came together, the title, the cover, everything. it's going to be gorgeous, i must say, i have a knack for book design.

my covers tend to be darker than your average, and my sister said,
your book doesn't have a title

but it does, it's ethereal. i dig that.

probably not jump off the shelves marketing, but i like something to draw me in. to catch my eye and make me want to investigate.

i don't mind a little delay and don't feel fifty point white letters on a black dust cover are the only way to convey a message.

subtlety is key kids.

subtlety is key.

and now, i go take my test after very little sleep, but i feel brighteyed and bushytailed because i am doing the work i am supposed to be doing.

i always knew it incorporated publishing authors, but i never knew in what context or how it would look.

i have preferences, and so far, my book has gotten oohs and aaahs, from those who have seen and bought it. is it perfect, no, but neither am i.

winnebago say,
there is nothing perfect.
(i'm editing it).

i need to go get ready for my test, but there are few things that give me the energy to stumble through my day like working with others' words. it is tough, it demands more than it feels i have to give, but i'm one of those highly functional types, who needs more to keep me going.

(or i've just had a spat of madness, but it doesn't feel like madness and i would do it even if it was).

my dear friend said,
no, don't go to the trouble.

but i did. i had to.

i love her works. i want them for myself, what better reason to compile and edit them? though i love the unedited versions.

she has a peculiar vernacular, a way of speaking that will lose its charm if edited with too heavy a hand. so i will have the unedited version for my own enjoyment.

and i will carry it close to my heart, for it is what gives me strength.

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