Tuesday, April 22, 2008

something about hot.

i don't care to be hot. at least with cold, you can move and put on layers. but hot, you're screwed essentially. and last hot spell, my a/c farted out. so this hot spell, i realize i should have fixed it after last hot spell and i'm dying.

so i call the mechanic,
can you get me in and get the car back to me by 3?


well, i can't get the truck there until 45 minutes after i said it would be there (life happens!) and he can't guarantee a thing. but my kid is in another town far away and i can't gamble with being there or not being there to pick her up, though she told me she'd wait with velvet if i were late.

that's a good idea,
i said.

not thinking it would be terribly late.

but with the mechanic not willing to tell me if 3:30 would be doable because he has so much work,
how about tomorrow,
he says.

i can't get it here any earlier, and the stakes increase because the latter part of the week i've got to fly back home then to work after picking her up.

her riding instructor is very liberal with her time, i should take comfort in this. and know that i could leave the truck there, but it is better not to gamble thus. considering it's about a 45 minute drive to the farm.

and i'm too tired to deal with it, so i'll punt it to next week. but i'm frying in that damn truck and not sure what to do about it.

at least by coming home i can shower and unearth my summer clothes which are still tucked away. maybe it's better this way.

who knows.

i'm going to veg. i have stuff to do, but i think i need to vegemegate rather than run up and down four flights of stairs all afternoon doing laundry.

the laundry can get done after i'm rested some.

and i just don't know what to do about the heat.

last night at my open mic, the library was so fricken' hot. when the weather starts to warm up, they don't adjust for the change (i've noticed the slack repeatedly), and last night, it was warm enough to rise bread. we sat there pretty lethargic as poet after poet read and we were all pretty zapped.

i lay in bed until 15 minutes before trying to catch a bit of rest, but there was none to be had. and last night after the open, when i'm most awake, i kept thinking i have to go to sleep. early morning.

it's no way to live.

so i'm going to go veg for a few hours then get my girl on time and hopefully, rested. because while the park bench of yesterday was nice, it was not restful. it was merely a way to pass the time.


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