Monday, May 18, 2009

buzz kill

talk about buzz killers, my phone rings and i have this nasty habit of answering without checking who it is.

guess. the ball busting shift.

when i heard his voice i said,
it's my day off, this better be important.

whoa! don't kill the messenger,
he said.

what? (i barked)

and it was some bullshit about overtime and closing a store (within the hour i was being asked to turn up for an eight hour shift at a busy store, yeah right).

but i was engaged elsewhere, and said so. though i didn't close the door completely.

i kept wandering around the place confessing to those i know,
i'm socially awkward, i don't network.

and to my surprise, got a few, i am too-s in return. this pleased me.

i think that's how we get off, we poets, confessing our sins publicly. i forget the context of this conversation, ah, it was dinner, i was telling them about my read in the city and how the lady walking with me to the subway said,
poets are the high priests of a culture.

and i added,
would you like to confess your sins? i am in need of material.

which was met with a round of laughter.

that's the thing, i don't laugh so much as when i'm with these people. and they all hug me now, which i don't mind. still don't have the kiss thing down, but that is for another day. i'm too busy hugging on people. i have mastered the sidle up side hug. which is a nice alternative to the air kiss. i hate the air kiss.

if you're going to kiss me, kiss me damn it.

anyway, work soon. the ball buster awaits. i want to tell him his voice is the last thing i want to hear on my day off. i'll try to restrain myself but something in me says, if i don't hose down this barking dog, he'll keep pestering me. his voice raises my cackles and i'm going to have fun with it today.

we'll see how it goes.

i'm a strong woman, and i won't be intimdated by any man.

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