Wednesday, November 05, 2008

papers and deadlines

i keep trying to get my boss to understand that i'm finishing up my degree this semester (haven't mentioned the one coming down the pike), and it's essential that i finish well. crucial.

i'm multi-tasking, i say, as this is something i've been working toward for fifteen years. i'm five weeks away. five weeks. i have a deadline friday and i'm not even close to being ready for it. i have to write all day thursday for it. there is no other way.

when my boss came back to work, i essentially gave him back everything he'd entrusted to me, dumped it on him, he said. and i had to agree. it's a lot. i don't know that i'm prepared to work so hard, yet. in that sense, though i'm working very hard in all areas, though it sometimes doesn't feel that way.

there's a lot going on. i am doing what i can, and after struggling through my night the other night, i didn't dot my i in the back room, and the district manager visited the next day. (:)i missed it, what can i say. i did the best i could and had to get on with my life.

i've got much to do, must away. paper due and work today.


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