Thursday, July 24, 2008

finding friends

so my next two days off, my only two days off, unless i can wrangle this poetry gig i'm going to miss monday night (i gave in so we could have a staff meeting, but that isn't going to happen, and i'm still scheduled. grrr).

anyway, my next two days off will be spent in the bright sunshiney with my new york friend and belly dancer extraordinare. she's been dancing since she was young, so she's amazing. and she doesn't coreograph either, so we have a simliar angle on things. which makes me smile.

she's more free than i am though. in many ways.

but tonight at work, i got to talk to my new manager a bit, and he is really a nice guy. very pleasant. closing didn't go as smoothly as i'd like because when i was trained i was told, the barista knows what to do. (which doesn't sound like a good way to train someone who is ultimately held responsible for all the jobs being completed), but i went with it. there were a lot of other things to learn.

and tonight, i closed the store immediately, asap, because i didn't want to forget. well, i didn't forget, but i found out, one of those "barista" things i didn't get trained on was marking out the expired foods. (which need be done before the store is closed for the night).

my bad.

what can i say. i'm learning the hard way because the training is shoddy. what else can i say.

and i felt tired tonight. just worn out. and this was my day back after three off. i should be recovered. but maybe it was because all i'd eaten today was a bagel with cream cheese, and a cup of coffee. by 7pm when i took my dinner break, i was famished.

the chinese food i got is served so damn hot, i can't eat it on my dinner break because i have to let it cool. you see if i was smart, i'd order it early, and let it sit for a while, then take my dinner break. but that requires planning. and planning is something i don't do well. (apparently).

so i bring my dinner home and leave it for tomorrow morning because i don't eat dinner at midnight when i get home. i would rather wait.

but i'm really hungry, so what to do?

wait until morning. hopefully before i workout i can just have a yogurt, then eat after i workout. no wonder somedays i eat like a linebacker. because the days i eat like a bird leave me hungry.

i could feel the muscles in my stomache this morning because my yoga/belly dancing instructor kicked our collective asses at yoga this week.

i felt all pulled apart like taffy today, and that is a good feeling. but i don't know that i'd go out of my way to do yoga on a regular basis. my new manager says yoga is addictive, but it's not the drug for me i don't think.

i only took it to see my belly dance instructor. i love her. she's the bomb. i told her last night,
i won't see you until belly dancing in september,
and she gave me her digits and said,
call me, we'll get together.

i don't know that i'd be any fun to hang out with, is the thing. i'm overly serious. hardly any fun at all.

but then again, maybe i just need a wild and free friend to help me loosen up, to feel stretchy like taffy.

yes, maybe that's it.

(and i do confess, that it was pretty cool to get her digits because there are very few people i really want to hang out with. she is one. i could really enjoy spending time with her).

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