Wednesday, August 20, 2008

floor drain 2, suz 0

i slipped and fell at work tonight. i was moving at such an awesome pace, it irked me that i had to stop and nurse my knee. i landed right on it after my foot slipped into an uncovered floor drain. we uncover them to clean them out, and i hadn't washed them and put the cover back on yet, because i was mopping, that happens first. the drain is just in a dumb, dangerous place though, how they can't see the liability issues there, i don't know.

but down she went, like the titanic, my two braids flying up in the air as i landed full force on my right knee.

knees weren't made to be brake pedals, and i've got about a half inch swollen bump on there. i called my soon to be ex husband and asked him what to do, he said,
ice it and take ibuprofen.

the ibuprofen in the first aid kit was all expired, so that didn't happen right away, it was about an hour before i could take my lunch and walk across the street to the pharmacy.

they told me to sit down and ice it, but i didn't have time. so i went to get my dinner, walked to the pharmacy, made it back for about twenty minutes when i placed a cup of ice on my knee, balanced it there, because we didn't really have anything to make an ice pack out of.

the left side of my back aches slightly, but i think it's just from me trying to fly. at least i wasn't holding the mop at the time, or didn't hit my head on the stainless countertops, which were everywhere.

all told, i came out relatively unscathed. except for my pride. but, since i don't have much pride, it wasn't too much of an issue.

i'm working with a girl who is college age, and when i would say up, she'd say down. when i'd ask her to do something, she would essentially refuse. that's how i ended up mopping and falling. yay!

i'm not sure what to make of it, because i'm trying not to be a hardass. but, the fact of the matter is, things need to get done. things didn't get done in a timely manner tonight because when i'd ask her to do things, she'd say,
lets wait until later.
and just not do them.


so, i'm home, later than usual, because the kids think everything magically happens when they just stand around. and i can't do it all, so we ended up getting out of there late. and that is frustrating because, if all three of us (and usually there are two), are actually working, we could have gotten out of there early.

but it was not meant to be.

and so, i should probably ice my knee again, but i'll just go to bed. i'm tired. tomorrow is another day. and i'm off. i'm glad i'm off. i need to be off.

i need to be selfish and guard my days off as the precious commodity they are.

jobs will suck your life away if you let them.

and just a note for all you dudes out there who want to impress the ladies. tip big, and watch the clock. by that i mean, if some service person walks up and says,
we're closing now,
and you give them ojos, this does not make you look good.

know when a place closes, or ask, and get the hell out. don't wait to be asked to leave, it's tasteless. shows disregard.

i had to ask this couple to leave tonight, and i swear the dude seemed irked. i can't tell you how irritating it is to have to close a place, i mean at least an hour's worth of work, and have two hangers about that make it so you have to wait till the last second to begin.

gggrrr. nothing classy about that dude. we had the worst trouble with that at my retail store. women would rush in five or ten minutes before we close and want to try shit on. tearing up the store before we had to clean up for the night.

that is just plain rude.

get the hell out if there is only ten minutes left, or at least, don't make a mess, then get the hell out.



Eliza Shane said...

I'm pretty sure you're not a fan of doctors... but I think you should see one about your knee. I have taken a couple falls on my knees and did some pretty extensive damage. Had I gone to the doctor, well... maybe I could have prevented the now irreversible situation I have created. My knees are a MESS now and I kick myself (well not literally) for not doing more right away. Instead, I waited 2 years until I was having weird pains and tightness in my knee... I went to the doc, who sent me to physical therapy... and now I have to wear a brace. NO FUN!
So... bottom line... get it looked at. Make sure you didn't rupture or tear anything that can be guided while it heals now.. instead of spending the rest of your life doing special exercises to get your knee to work right!

Eliza Shane said...

Oh... and... Way to go, Slick! :-)