Wednesday, August 27, 2008

work again

work begins again today, my life is no different from any other's, i do not claim that it is. but at least with my coming forty hours, my boss only gave me five days instead of more. more would have been too much for me, and he preserved my two consecutive days off. i need them. i need that expanse of time to recover.

finished off two books yesterday, and now i need to read another today. i'm hoping i can knock out some of these belly dance books. in thumbing through, i see recipes and pictures, so, how hard can they be, i mean, really?

i chose many of the books simply by their availability at my library. it's the psych texts that are the time devourers. so, i'm glad i got one out of the way this week. there is not much to say, i'm reading, working, reading, working at the farm, reading some more. that's my life at the moment.

i've got to cram working out back into my schedule, as it has been too long since i've missed it. this is the first time i've missed weeks in a row, so i guess that's good. i think my aches and pains in my body are the result of not being worked out. what can i say. i have ground to make up.

but it is well. it is very well.

i'm not overwrought busy, just getting on with my life busy, and that is a good thing.

peace. out.

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