Tuesday, August 12, 2008


wasn't sure i would get the prof i wanted for this last hurrah at my school. but i stressed how freeing it would be for me to have a person with breasts. (that's what it boils down to kids), and so, the school was compassionate and my will prevailed (which, let's be honest, at the end of the day is all that really matters).

now the big time planning of my semester begins.

fortunately, i had a whole day to blow while my college sorted through the piles of lists of students requesting which profs.

anyway, we had nothing to do for school, but i had to race around new york looking for equestrian clothes for the show saturday. sigh. then, i had to find a tailor, and i won't get into it all because it's not worth it, but basically, my girl will be suited up properly on saturday and i finally checked my schedule (hadn't seen it since i wrote it down before my vacay), and i get to go to her show.

we have to spend the morning mucking stalls and preparing, the work of horses, i'm coming to understand, never ceases. neither do we, apparently.

so first to the stables, then to the show. and hopefully, she will do fabulously. and ride before i have to leave to get ready for work (though i'll likely just take my clothes with me and change en route--i've done it before kids, it ain't pretty but it is sometimes necessary).

anywhoo. i'm hugely relieved. i haven't had a minute to do anything other than this, but i forced myself to go back to the gym and gladly, i only gained two pounds on my vacay. i thought, for sure, it would be more.

but 'twern't.

peace. out.

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