Wednesday, August 20, 2008

long awaited

the whale watch is saturday.

that i close the night before (putting me home, at 1am for a departure by 6am), and open the day after (putting me back home at 1am, and i leave for work at 5am), is just the way it is. i think, because i'm the last one who asked for that day (i was hired with that day on my list, so there was no way i'd back down from that day though my manager tried), just means i'll have to sleep on the bus on the way there and back. fun kids.

but it's a charter bus, so hopefully it will be a tad more comfortable than the plane. though it may be practically the same. i've got to get my issues worked out with my alarm clock, though. when i set it last week, i forgot to turn it on. fortunately, i wake up before the alarm on a regular basis.

so much for a backup.

a chill has returned in the morning and evening. and i'm sure it will be cold on the sea. i'm packing dramamine, and hopefully all will be well. i really don't know. but i don't want to see the whales passing by as i'm hanging over the rail. that would be bad.

we'll be leaving from massachusets, which is a fact that will conspire to keep me awake en route. i've never seen new england, so it is my big chance. but i think when we have times like these, times we've been waiting for, times we've been living for, the sleep issues work themselves out.

i was glad i go to see the horses yesterday because they calm and center me. i got to work and i was in slow mo. which is not such a good thing. i get more accomplished when i'm racing around, and we got out of there late. but only my second time for that. the kids i'm working with weren't too pressed to accomplish stuff either. and fortunately i found out i was closing with the other that was there last night, so i told her, whatever shortcuts we take tonight, we have to make sure and catch tomorrow. my shortcuts are not washing a plexicube--nothing having to do with sanitation that affects product. just aesthetics.

and not even aesthetics customers see, but just what we see.

and this is why i take the shortcut now and again.

but today, we swim. i wanted to work out, but time is rolling on and i'm just not wanting to chase it down. the swim will be enough. i imagine the water will be freezing cold (which is wild, all summer, except the hottest days the water has been incredibly cool). i think it has to do with being near the mountains. that nighttime chill sets in.

but fall is fast approaching, and i'm grateful for it. i could use a turn in the weather about now. i miss the cold. it is my favorite time of year, i think. hearing the horses hooves crunch on the snow. the shelter the barn becomes.

i need to find a ranch somewhere, to live. to learn. to create. but i'm not sure where yet.


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