Thursday, October 09, 2008

change your mind; change your life

so, what's different today?

the sun is shining, the pollen dances in the light. the same customers, the same tasks, the same everything. the only thing different is my attitude. i guess that's the most important thing to change.

it was very sobering yesterday to see the weight of management. to be so close to it i could feel the oppression of it. there is so much to do, so much to think about. i will not watch our store go down the pipes, but at the moment, we're not doing so well. but we will.

the majority of the problem is, our attitude. my attitude can always use adjusting, but i hadn't had anyone reframe it for me in a way that made it clear what the issues were. and now that they have all been reframed from a manager's view. i understand, what i am struggling with is such a small piece of the pie.

we've probably lost another supervisor, and we're all gearing up for those long, long hours. hours which i've not yet even begun to experience. because these eight hour days are why i changed to this store. i could get more hours, i figured since they were open so long. the downside is, there are so many hours to fill, when these kids just up and quit on us, we have to fill those hours.

it's the double edge sword, i guess.

but i'd rather have the hours than not. now i have to make the best of my time there. and, it was just a good night. everything felt right.

i'm grateful. i have tons of schoolwork to do, but even made some progress on that. i'm getting a better idea of how to manage my time, and it is going to be all right. i can handle this.

don't know what happened exactly, but i'm glad it did.

peace. out.

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