Monday, June 09, 2008


so, i'm up till just past midnight finishing up my poetry book, which is, btw, titled, empty of sorrow, the title of a poem i just wrote.

this morning, i get an email from my prof to the group saying, i've put off your final presentations until june 13. sigh. there is no end to this endless ordeal. i just hope i don't forget to turn up on june 13.

if i knew yesterday there would be specific time to work on that element, i would have waited. as it stands, i'm going to leave it, and call my job done. i've turned in all my evaluations, dotted all my j-s and crossed all my fs.

now, i wait for my prof to tell me his thoughts. for june 13 to roll around so i can end this shindig. and then, i'm done.

but i'm going to start taking it kind of easy now. i still have to find about sixteen more books for next semester, i all ready have my four belly dancing books. i think i have to focus on the psychology/essays pertaining to poetry, things that inspire my particular poetry. ah yes, joseph campbell. there it is.


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