Monday, June 09, 2008

plop, plop, fizz, fizz

oh shit is that my phone?

what makes a crackling sound when you put it in water?


my girl rescued mine, so once again it is in pieces "drying out"

technology, what can i say. it is nice not having to be answering it. though there are some drawbacks.

i spent the better part of the day "tweaking" my poetry collection, and i'm surprised but i like it. it's kind of like an overstuffed suitcase, but whatever. i'm going to let it ride for a while, until someone convinces me it's a bad idea.

though i don't listen. that's a fact.

farm tomorrow, though gas is outrageous, it's worth the drive, it's worth the time. it's worth it all. we have to get up early though, that's the hardest part, not every week, just tomorrow.

and i'm looking forward to not having to force read books.

peace. out.

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