Tuesday, June 17, 2008

my stuff and yours too

my girl has been stealthily passing off her commitments to me.

that i don't have time to realize this, or even catch the errors, is testament only to how busy i am.

this, while i'm contemplating a class over the summer, that will overlap the start of my culminating semester. how wise is this?

not very.

can i do it?

i don't know.

i spent the day mucking stalls and thinking about excellence.

i've let a lot, A LOT, slide in my life and sometimes i wonder if i'm making the right choices. i guess we can't know. if we knew it would be easy. life would be simple, cut and dry.

as it stands, it's not.

i'm grateful for the farm, i'm sorry that i can't catch the small details that are slipping through my fingers like wet spaghetti noodles.

but that's just how it is.

i like that my work, my job, does not require editorial skills of any kind. it requires i work other muscles. most of them physical. many of them social. these flabbier parts of my functioning are improving, but the details. my god, how they slip by.

dr. carlson would say,
don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff.

i could sit here and seethe over missing the dot on the j. but i can't. i have too much to do to waste time wishing i'd done a better job. at least this time we spelled everything correctly.

to my horror, i realized the last flyer we made up for my girl's riding instructor had two hugely misspelled words. i didn't even notice until i went to revise the flyer for this camp.

in picking up a piece of the puzzle she requested, i neglected to note where the camp was. i had thought my daughter did this, as she had said she would.

tonight i got an email asking where the camp is.

nightmare. i feel awful. but i guess, if you don't do it yourself, there is no guarantee the results are going to be worth anything.

and while we want to do excellently, we are fried. i am fried. i do the best i can.

that's what it comes down to.

i have to be good with that and get lots of grace from friends.

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