Thursday, April 08, 2010

damn straight

so, miracles happened. mountains moved. what did you expect?

i was asked that question.
was it what you expected?

i don't have expectations.

and oddly enough, i found it to be true. i still find it to be true. it's something to just let life guide you, and to trust. not a whole lot of people get that. but those who do, priceless.

was racing around the town for the literary program today, and so much got accomplished. those things that are still in process, i've sicked the hounds on people who aren't returning my calls. they will. very soon.

it's something to be sitting in a room full of connected people who know how to get things done. they even joke when i say,
how is that going to happen,
and they laugh.

i told them,
it helps that you know everyone.

the reply was,
it's good that you have the tenacity not to give up.

i've secured just about every loose cannon, and the final huge deadline will be handled by me on monday. i have to go to town to hand deliver the application that someone else is forcing through the system.

we sat there at the end of the meeting and filled out the application together, it's a very collaborative group and i'm grateful for this experience. as difficult and time consuming as it is, it's been richly rewarding.

it's nice that when i report on all that has happened since our last meeting, that they all sit rapt and light up upon hearing it all.

it's a good feeling. i need a better job.

went in to work briefly before my meetings to change into a collared shirt (still had on jeans and converse though), and one of the kids pulled me aside to give me a whatfor. apparently, she was displeased with my work efforts of late.

so she starts talking and i said,
oh, you mean the close at the end of my eleven hour day?

she says,

i really want to hear what you have to say, but not when i'm not on the clock.

and i left it at that. she can tell me my work sucks then. when i have to listen. on my own free time, i just can't. i had just left the first appointment of the morning and was walking on sunshine. there was no way i was going to let that go so easily.

if she wants to throwdown, so be it. i will listen and do my best to remedy whatever concerns she has. but if it is nitpicking, i will just let it go.

i'm tired now. must to bed. my mind needs rest from the exertions.

and the good people who are able to make miracles happen smiled upon me today.

and i am grateful.

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